[iBook] oy vey

Don Hinkle donhinkle at mac.com
Sat Nov 26 11:46:44 PST 2005

A friend has an AL 12" iBook, running 10.3.5. Kind of a mess from the 
get-go because a guy SHE DOES NOT TRUST got it for her and did the 
startup and initial install, so she's nervous because HE KNOWS HER 
I showed her how to change the password, but still there's the problem 
that this guy is an IT person so knows how to get around that.
He set up the Master Password, which she tells me is different from her 
Screen Password, and she doesn't know it. So he can make changes on her 
computer but she cannot.
It's been a while since I installed on my 'book, but I don't remember a 
Master Password.

Questions: Is there such a thing? Is it different from the Account 
Password for the Admin? If so, is there a way for her (or me operating 
on her behalf) to uncover it so she doesn't feel vulnerable to this 
guy, or do we have to reinstall the OS?


-donald henry hinkle
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