[iBook] Screen troubles iBook 600

Todd Doerpinghaus doerps at sbcglobal.net
Thu Sep 22 17:39:40 PDT 2005


Sounds like a logic board failure.  I just had the
same thing last week on my g3 900.  It took me about 6
tries of rebooting to get all my files on my firewire
drive because the screen became too fuzzy to read.

Applecare had it back to me in 3 days.


--- Thomas Bridgeland <tmbridgeland at ybb.ne.jp> wrote:

> Hello. I have an iBook 600. OS 10.2.8  Up until now
> it has been a 
> dream, but just this morning I opened it and when it
> woke up the screen 
> looked very strange, lots of horizontal black lines
> of various lengths 
> that jittered and flashed. Also the tool bar became
> blurred and 
> unreadable, off and on, and icons etc. The cursor
> moved normally, and I 
> was able to click on things and for example close a
> page and close an 
> app.
> I turned off the iBook and turned it back on. It
> looked and acted OK. I 
> ran 'repair permissions', turned off and turned on
> the machine again. 
> Looked OK. I did about 30 minutes of word processing
> and the black 
> lines suddenly returned. I closed the iBook and put
> it away. Later when 
> I opened it to show someone, it looked OK again. It
> looks OK now too.
> I am wondering if this is the beginning of the
> famous screen troubles 
> ice books are noted for. I have not done anything
> new to cause 
> troubles, like install new software or memory. I
> mainly use the machine 
> for light word processing. Any hints or suggestions?
> Fortunately my 
> store warranty is still good for another year, so if
> I have to take it 
> in I should be OK.
> Thanks,
> Tom
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