Try connecting the speakers before you start up the iBook or if that is not practical (i.e. You only put the Book to sleep) try to ensure that you plug or unplug the USB or Headphone cable straight in and out...I believe this is caused by an uneven connection on the pins (or headphone jack) providing power and signal and therefore changes the balance...not perfect but might help. You should definitely not experience this issue if you connect and disconnect the speakers when the 'Book is not on (yet). There was a software 'fix' a while ago in 10.2 or 10.3 which sorted this for most may wish to consider using a hub (if you're not yet and using speakers on USB) as this might also make the iBook less sensitive to the speaker connections being made on that port (subjective not based on reports). HTH, Richard -- On 7/4/06 00:11, "Jeff Slotkin" <jeffslotkin at> wrote: > Yes. I always notice it when playing through a stereo or headphones.