[iBook] Installed security update now iBook will not boot

James Paul Manley listmonger at gmail.com
Fri Aug 11 08:18:50 PDT 2006

Hi Victoria.

Try downloading the stand alone version. But since it won't, you may  
have to re-install the OS to apply the stand alone.

Best Regards
James Paul Manley
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Jim Manley's Photoshop Elements Page

Jim Manley's Photo Retouching Page

On Aug 11, 2006, at 8:36 AM, VICTORIA.DUGGAN wrote:

>> You might start by powering off and then resetting PRAM by holding  
>> down the Apple/Option/P and R keys while starting up. Wait until  
>> you hear 3 start-up chimes and then release the keys.
>> If that doesn't take you you back to a normal state, let us know.
>>  M
> Hi The Ibook 600 does not have a pram battery
> You need to do a system reset and then i remove the battery and put  
> it back in and then start it up. Thats what i do for my G3 900 and  
> it works every time. . apple has all the info listed on there sight  
> when you go to support and ibook and start up issues.
> The battery is just what i need to do and does not need to be done  
> by every one. it is just the thing that works for my book.
> vicki
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