I have an original (white) 500 MH G3 iBook. It has given me and then my wife many years of great service. Recently it has developed the following problem: When first turned on, if the display is opened past about 50 degrees, the back light goes out, i.e. the screen becomes dark. (At least I assume that is the problem. If I hold the screen in bright ambient light, I can just see what is on the screen.) After the computer gets a little warm, I can open the display to about 80 degrees before it becomes dark. If I close it back to the original position, the screen is again visible. About 80 degrees is the most I can ever open the display without darkness. I'm willing to take the computer apart to fix the problem (I used this as an excuse to buy a new MacBook, which I got today.) Does anyone have any ideas? I.e. what exactly is wrong, what should I look for (a loose or pinched cable, bad light, etc.) Any previous experience with this problem, guidance or a point to a web site would be appreciated. Steve S