[iBook] Dual USB G3 iBook 500mHz/640MB RAM/10GB HD -- Tiger or Panther?

Steve R mailing.lists.2005 at gmail.com
Tue May 30 10:22:31 PDT 2006

Dual USB G3 iBook 500mHz/640MB RAM/10GB HD -- Tiger or Panther?

The 512MB RAM chip arrived and was installed without a hitch. (Losing 
those tiny tiny screws in plush carpeting doesn't count.)  Sleepless 
night so I erased the installed 10.0.2, and installed Panther because 
I'm wanting to check some weirdness I'm seeing on my Tiger computers 
to see if the problem exists with Panther. Once I've checked that 
out, I'll be in a position to actually start using the iBook. So my 
question for those of you who have the Dual USB 500mHz iBook with 
640MB RAM and a 10GB drive... are you happy with the performance of 
Tiger on the machine or were you happier with Panther?

Ideally I'd prefer to have all my computers running the same OS but I 
could live with Panther on the iBook if need be. I won't be using any 
processor intense applications -- mostly keeping and updating 
databases, perhaps doing some email, definitely some web browsing, 
and lots of word processing.

And I may, very rarely, be using VLC to watch small video clips.

Steve R

  Get the Canadian troops out of Afghanistan now.

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