I suggest you confirm that it is not a software problem. Download a bootable Linux image. This is a cd image that you burn to a disc, and put in your ibook. You then restart it, and it will boot from the cd - starting Linux. This is not so difficult (you need to press a key as it boots to tell the ibook to look at the cd. It might be the 's' key {memory}, right after the reset). A good example to try is http://ftp.ussg.iu.edu/linux/ubuntu-releases/6.06/ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-powerpc.iso NB: NOTE THAT THIS IS A LINK STRAIGHT TO THE FILE. IT'S ABOUT 650 MB!!! if there's no sound there, then it's probably hardware, and I have no further suggestions than taking it to a technician (unless you have an oscilloscope ;-). -Gus Quoting Richard Jepsen <rpjepsen at gmail.com>: > I have a 600 mhz ibook with no sound. Everything else seems to work. > > I have tried upgrading software, firmware, reset the PMU, checked to make > sure that the speaker cable is properly connected to the motherboard, > checked all the settings and no change. > > When plug in some head phones I get some white noise but nothing else. > > Has anyone else experienced this and fixed it short of replacing the > motherboard? > > Any help would be appreciated. > > Thanks, > Richard Jepsen > rpjepsen at gmail.com >