[iBook] How does this work?

Tom R. no spam tr5374 at csc.albany.edu
Thu Dec 27 18:54:41 PST 2007

That was the first "iceBook" iBook, and came with both OS 9
and OS X stock.  Sometimes the installer pack included the
AppleWorks family of programs:  word processing, spreadsheet,
database, drawing, painting, and presentation.  If you have
that (if not, you probably can get it cheap), that's good enough
to do a  lot.  It will open M$Office documents, and save in
M$Office formats, I believe.  The current version of AW is
6.2.9/6.2.8 (OSX/OS9), and the updater to this version from
any AW version 6.x.x is free.

If you don't even have any OS on the iBook, you can get OS 10.3
for approx $100 or so.  That should be fine for your iBook, if
you have at least 256MB RAM.  Be sure to run all of Apple's
OS 10.3 updaters, including the security updaters.  A fine place
to get good quality RAM cheap is OWC (http://www.macsales.com).

On Thu, 27 Dec 2007, don harvey wrote:
 . . .
> bought an I Book 12.1"500 MHz G3 from Gain Saver.  It is their "low
> ball" unit and has no software.  I need help!  I want to use it with a
> word type program but I don't where to start.  Obviously, I can't
> "load it up" because I paid ony $200 for it.  What do I do?  I'm 70
> and a little slow in the head.  Anything you could do to get me started
 . . .

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