What is the bluetooth button for in the address book? I though you could copy your contacts from the Mac to the phone. Afterall they all see eath other. But according to Apple & Quest you can't. What is the button in the Mac address book for? --- James Paul Manley Albuquerque, New Mexico http://web.mac.com/jamespmanley/iWeb/Photoshop_Elements http://web.mac.com/jamespmanley/iWeb/Gods_plan/Welcome.html My name is James Paul Manley, I am 58 years old and I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer on August 9th, 2006 with a Gleason rating of 9. The cancer hasn't spread into my bones yet. it has spread to my lungs & bladder. I am taking Casodex pills & Zoledex shots. I am convinced that my GOD and Lord Jesus Christ will heal me as a testimony to his love. 2 Chronicles 20