"I figgered it out" Re: [iMac] 10.4.3 full upgrade revs up iMac G5 fans; won't stop

Steve Goldstein sng at cox.net
Tue Nov 1 15:07:40 PST 2005


Before I called Apple, I had zapped the PRAM three times and reset the NVRAM with Open Firmware. That did not work.

Apple Customer Service had me go way back and install the original software (Archive and Install), then upgrade to Tiger, they run Software Update.  Took quite a while (hours!), and didn't work. 

Then, in desperation, I removed the back of the iMac G5 20" and pressed the Power Management Unit (PMU) reset button, and, voila! the fans are once again behaving.  I shouldd'a thought of that before all the foolishness.  Live [love,] and learn.


At 2:38 PM -0800 11/1/05, Jim Scott wrote:
>On Nov 1, 2005, at 12:49 PM, Steve Goldstein wrote:
>>Anybody experience this?  I upgraded to 10.4.3 with the 97 MB download, and now the fans go at full tilt and will not slow down.  
>>I got Apple on the phone, and they are having me reload the original system that came with the computer, then upgrade back to Tiger.  Hope is that the fans will behave.
>The fans on my rev. 2 20" iMac G5 went to full speed for about 15 seconds during the first restart after installation of 10.4.3. But that was it; they've been behaving themselves since then.
>-- Jim

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