Karen, It doesn't work. I think the method is for songs that contain "apple AND orange", not for "apple OR orange". On 01/12/2002 13:42, "Karen Swenson" <swenska at tds.net> wrote: > > On Saturday, November 30, 2002, at 10:56 PM, JAILANI SOAIDIN wrote: > >> Hai.. >> I would like to make a playlist which songs contain any one of two >> words i.e >> a song contains apple or orange. How can I achieve it?? > > This should work: In iTunes 3, go to the File menu, choose New Smart > Playlist, click the Advanced tab in the resulting window, check Match > Following Conditions, choose Song Name, write Apple, click the plus at > the end of the line, and make another line containing Song Name, > Orange. Then go back and make sure the new popup at the top says Match > <Any> of the Following Conditions. > > I hope I explained this clearly! > > Karen > > > ----------