[iTunes] Re: Smart Playlist

JAILANI SOAIDIN jufree at pl.jaring.my
Sat Dec 7 16:58:27 PST 2002

You're absolutely RIGHT. I'm WRONG
Thanks for informing me that I missed the last two lines of Karen's email

Thanks Both!
On 07/12/2002 20:22, "Allan Hise" <allan at hise.org> wrote:

> Jailani,
> Karen's method should work.
> Go back and take a look and make sure you check the "Match ____ of the
> following conditions" and make sure the pulldown menu on that line says
> "any" instead of "all".
> Allan
> On Sat, 7 Dec 2002, JAILANI SOAIDIN wrote:
>> Karen,
>> It doesn't work. I think the method is for songs that contain "apple AND
>> orange", not for "apple OR orange".
>> On 01/12/2002 13:42, "Karen Swenson" <swenska at tds.net> wrote:
>>> On Saturday, November 30, 2002, at 10:56 PM, JAILANI SOAIDIN wrote:
>>>> Hai..
>>>> I would like to make a playlist which songs contain any one of two
>>>> words i.e
>>>> a song contains apple or orange. How can I achieve it??
>>> This should work:  In iTunes 3, go to the File menu, choose New Smart
>>> Playlist, click the Advanced tab in the resulting window, check Match
>>> Following Conditions, choose Song Name, write Apple, click the plus at
>>> the end of the line, and make another line containing Song Name,
>>> Orange.  Then go back and make sure the new popup at the top says Match
>>> <Any> of the Following Conditions.
>>> I hope I explained this clearly!
>>> Karen
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