[iTunes] Smart Playlist

Karen Swenson swenska at tds.net
Sat Nov 30 21:42:09 PST 2002

On Saturday, November 30, 2002, at 10:56 PM, JAILANI SOAIDIN wrote:

> Hai..
> I would like to make a playlist which songs contain any one of two 
> words i.e
> a song contains apple or orange. How can I achieve it??

This should work:  In iTunes 3, go to the File menu, choose New Smart 
Playlist, click the Advanced tab in the resulting window, check Match 
Following Conditions, choose Song Name, write Apple, click the plus at 
the end of the line, and make another line containing Song Name, 
Orange.  Then go back and make sure the new popup at the top says Match 
<Any> of the Following Conditions.

I hope I explained this clearly!


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