Copy To Play Order

Doug Adams dougadams at
Thu Jan 23 16:50:03 PST 2003

>Can anyone tell me what "Copy to Play Order" means? I just noticed it in
>the control-click drop-down menu that occurs when in either a smart
>playlist or a playlist. I mean, clearly I understand what the words mean,
>but what is the practical application?

When you copy to play order, you preserve the current playlists play order.
This way they will burn to a CD in that order. Try arranging a playlist by
Song Name, hilight all the tracks, and click on "Copy To Play Order". The
tracks stay that way when you sort by Play Order (unlabled far left column
in the playlist).

You can otherwise arrange the tracks in any order by dragging them up and
down the playlist.

Doug Adams
dougadams at

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