[iTunes] Re: iTunes Folder

Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Thu Jul 31 13:06:00 PDT 2003

> At 8:07 PM -0700 7/29/03, Kunga wrote:
>> When you delete a song from the library it is only an ALIAS you are 
>> removing. You must go to the file in the folder of the album to 
>> delete the FILE if you really want to delete a song from your hard 
>> drive.
On Thursday, July 31, 2003, at 04:19  AM, Vincent Cayenne wrote:
> Why not simply use Command-Delete? That way you can delete the library 
> entry and the actual file in one fell swoop.

Because I did not know that Vincent. Thanks for enlightening me.

kunga10 (AIM)
kunga47 (Yahoo Messenger with Cross-Platform dial-up Video sans audio 
on Macs)

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