Adding to Library

Eric Irwin ecirwin at
Tue Jun 17 19:21:28 PDT 2003

On Tuesday, June 17, 2003, at 08:23  PM, iTunesList wrote:

> I am adding to my library from media on my powerbook which is 
> wirelessly
> networked to my desktop G4 WITH ITUNES 4.  However, to test if IT4 only
> copies across new media (ie songs added since the last add to library
> operation) I immediately did a second add operation and a further 60 
> tunes
> were added (duplicated).  90 were added in the preceding operation.  
> Is the
> add to library function this inaccurate, not compatible with wireless
> networks, or am I doing something wrong?

I don't think you are doing anything wrong.  iTunes does not check for 
duplicates.  The only time it will not duplicate the songs is when you 
drag the library folder from the finder into the library of iTunes.  
That is the only time it knows that it already has that file and 
doesn't need to add it.  Dragging from a network drive will result in 
duplicates like crazy.  The only way I can come up with to help you is 
to sort your music on the Powerbook by "Date Added" and then drag the 
new files to a folder on the HD from iTunes, then go to the desktop and 
pull that folder across the network and add the files to iTunes from 

Maybe somebody else will know a better way, but that is the only way I 
know how.


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