ID3 tags won't stay changed!?

The G greg at
Mon Jun 30 19:07:05 PDT 2003

    I have an interesting problem. There are a handful of MP3s I have 
that simply do NOT want to let their tag info stay changed. Whenever I 
change any of the info (artist name, song name, album, artwork, 
etc...), it appears to work fine (all the info updates visibly in 
iTunes). HOWEVER, the next time I try to play the song, all the info 
reverts back to the original ID3 tags. Highly frustrating, to say the 
least! The dog munched the CD, so re-ripping isn't really an option 
(and I didn't much like the soundtrack, so I am not inclined to 
spending $18 on it again).
    I'd be very interested in hearing any and all theories, no matter 
how looney!!  =;-)

"I like the silent church before the service begins, better than any 
      - Ralph Waldo Emmerson

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