Do it. Only $294.95 at brand new. $80 4-year warranty option. A real good deal. < dynamicpromo.asp?dept_id=6307&cat=mac&article=AppleiPod> The "old" one doesn't do calendars and notes, doesn't display rating stars and doesn't let you create play lists on the fly. But it shouldn't be a deal breaker. The "old" one also uses the standard FireWire cable instead of a proprietary FireWire cable. The "old" one can be connected to the Mac or AC/DC outlet without removing it from its case. New one's FireWire port's on the bottom instead of on the top. The "old" one has a longer battery life - 10 hours vs. 8 hours. The "old" one doesn't exhibit a clicking sound between tracks. k On Monday, May 26, 2003, at 03:20 PM, bianca falco wrote: > I'm sure you already talked about it. Is there any function that the > old one doesn't have? Which one is more shock and humid wheather > resistant?I would like to buy the old 20gb > b.