2 drives?

ecirwin at mac.com ecirwin at mac.com
Tue Nov 4 17:41:22 PST 2003

The one thing I forgot to mention is that if you do have your Library 
split between the two drives, one of them becomes kind of stagnant.  
iTunes knows where all the files are and has no problem finding them 
(as long as the drive is connected), but any new files will go to the 
Library that is selected in the Prefs.

This could be kind of handy, but it could be a huge pain in the future. 
  If you know that part of your collection is pretty much set and will 
not change, that stuff should be in the old Library.  You can switch 
back and forth between them at any time and keep either one active.  
You might consider dividing up the space by putting several genres of 
music in each one.  You will have to remember that in the future and 
change the Library when you import that genre of music.

You don't really have to do those steps above, it's just that you will 
end up with music from one artist in two locations.  That might prove 
to be troublesome in the future, but might not.

If/when you get the new drive, you could simply change the pref in 
iTunes to point to the new drive and start adding music to it.  iTunes 
would remember the location of all the old files and start putting the 
new files in a folder on the new drive.  It would be pretty easy to 
determine what music was where by using the Date Added view option.  
You just have to remember what day you started on the new drive and 
then you could sort things out that way.


> You can only specify one location in iTunes. But you can add the second
> batch of songs manually and iTunes will keep track of which songs come
> from which location.
> I keep songs in several places on both my local drive and a network
> drive.

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