changing formats

Mike Vicente mvicente at
Thu Sep 11 18:16:52 PDT 2003

Hi Terry:

In iTunes, select Preferences under the iTunes menu. Select the 
Importing button along the top of the window. Change the format to 
either MP3 or AAC Encoder. You can control the quality of the resultant 
file. Select OK.

Select the songs to convert in your Library. Under the Advanced menu, 
you should see the Convert Selection to AAC/MP3 (depending on your 
preferences selection). To make selection easier, select View Options 
under the Edit menu. Select Kind. You can now sort by kind.

As far as quality, it's a matter of opinion. AAC sounds fine to me at 
lower bit rates than MP3s.


On Thursday, September 11, 2003, at 07:21  PM, Terry Pogue wrote:

> I have a ton of AIFF format books in my  iTunes library. Is there a way
> to change them to another format that might not take up as much room? I
> see an option to change items to AIFF but to change to something else.
> If I can change to MPG would that be a reasonable quality and take up
> less space?
> Thanks,
> terry
> OS 10.2.6
> iMovie 3.-.3

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