[iTunes] Re: Synchronizing Track Ratings

Chris Reinhart creinhart at creativebubble.com
Mon May 31 18:59:54 PDT 2004

What I do is use multiple playlists and sync those playlists.
This allows you to transfer ratings and play date data between your pod 
and music library.
Here's my setup.

1 playlist called Pod List - smart playlist, which only includes stuff 
not played in the last 6 months
1 playlist called Swap List - Dumb list which I use to swap song/albums 
that i know i want on the pod.

Now you could base lists on the ratings you have been setting.


On May 31, 2004, at 3:56 AM, Kirk McElhearn wrote:

> On 5/30/04 10:29 PM, "S. Moussly" <sam at moussly.com> wrote:
>> I have a question in regards to synchronizing my song ratings. I have 
>> a 3G
>> 30 GB iPod. I currently have around 60GB worth of music. I obviously 
>> cant
>> use the auto synch option since I cant fit all my music on my iPod.
>> Most of the time, I do rate my tracks while listening to them on my 
>> iPod. Is
>> there a way to transfer the ratings to my iTunes?
> No, they only get transferred if you sync your music, either 
> automatically
> or by selecting specific playlists.
> Kirk
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Chris Reinhart
Video Editor
creinhart at creativebubble.com
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