[iTunes] remaining time vs elapsed time

Kirk McElhearn kirklists at wanadoo.fr
Mon Jun 6 09:39:08 PDT 2005

On Jun 6, 2005, at 6:24 PM, Terry Pogue wrote:

> I have two computers. I listen to audiobooks on both. Sometimes I  
> start out on one computer and then switch to my laptop to take it  
> to another room. The big computer shows remaining time and the  
> laptop show elapsed time. I can find the option to make these both  
> the same.  Where might that be? Both are running iTunes 4.8 (31)

Just click on the display; it changes which time is shown.


                       Author of: iPod & iTunes Garage
                -        -        -        -        -        -
              Read my blog: Kirkville -- http://www.mcelhearn.com
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       Kirk McElhearn | Chemin de la Lauze | 05600 Guillestre | France

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