[iTunes] converting to mp3 saga continues

Lynda Farabee farabee at sptc.net
Wed Oct 5 06:56:37 PDT 2005

At 10:17 AM +0200 10/5/05, Kirk McElhearn wrote:
>On Oct 5, 2005, at 12:12 AM, Lynda Farabee wrote:
>>Some days it works; most it doesn't. (Please consult archives for rehash???)
>>It's got to be the/my mac. So I'm wondering about trashing itunes 
>>and reinstalling but I need help on how to do that. I don't want to 
>>lose my library.  I'm running 5.0.1 .....
>That doesn't convince me that it has to be the Mac... In fact, it 
>makes it more likely that the burner is faulty, since the laser may 
>be "on track" at times, and, at others, be slightly mis-aligned.

Do I have a laser? <smile> Could mine be faulty?
http://www.eddfarabee.com/    and        http://www.fpc-levelland.org

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