[iTunes] converting to mp3 saga continues

Lynda Farabee farabee at sptc.net
Wed Oct 5 07:09:17 PDT 2005

At 3:58 PM +0200 10/5/05, Kirk McElhearn wrote:
>On Oct 5, 2005, at 3:56 PM, Lynda Farabee wrote:
>>Do I have a laser? <smile> Could mine be faulty?
>Your CD writer does. And it can get out of sync. I have a home 
>stereo where the laser is out of sync and won't play most CDs any 

So I might could take this CD writer at the church to a repairman and 
he would know if it was faulty? Or would it be cheaper in these 
"throw-away" times to just have a new CD writer put in the machine? I 
seem to recall some little gray-haired OLD repairman telling me once 
the lasers were out-of-alignment, that was it. He/they couldn't fix 

If these tracks play on other PC computers and play on the 
writer/player itself, shouldn't it play on mine?

Where would I find out what error 32 or is it 36 means...the message 
I get when I try to copy the track to the desktop?  -L
http://www.eddfarabee.com/    and        http://www.fpc-levelland.org

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