[iTunes] converting .aiff files to .mp3

Lynda Farabee farabee at sptc.net
Thu Sep 22 07:06:59 PDT 2005

At 4:03 PM +0200 9/22/05, Kirk McElhearn wrote:
>On Sep 22, 2005, at 3:36 PM, Lynda Farabee wrote:
>>>One thing to try is to copy the aiff file to your desktop, and add 
>>>it to iTunes, and try to convert that to mp3. Or try a windows 
>>>machine (sorry!).
>>Altho I can work with the individual sermon files on the CD 
>>provided by PC person, I have to use Audion.  iTunes doesn't 
>>recognize the CD. It's on my desktop but not seen through iTunes. 
>>They are .wma files.
>Hold on - you're working with .wma files? How? A CD should give 
>WAV/AIFF files...

I'm sorry...not clear.....a PC person takes the CD iTunes can't work 
with, puts the sermon file on the CD and gives it to me. That file is 
.wma  That's what I finally convert to mp3 thru Audion.  I never did 
it this way before.

Originally I had .aiff files but now iTunes won't convert them.  Is 
this more clear?
http://www.eddfarabee.com/    and        http://www.fpc-levelland.org

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