[iTunes] converting .aiff files to .mp3

Lynda Farabee farabee at sptc.net
Thu Sep 22 13:58:11 PDT 2005

At 10:45 PM +0200 9/22/05, Kirk McElhearn wrote:
>On Sep 22, 2005, at 10:44 PM, Lynda Farabee wrote:
>>BTW, the exact message when I try to copy the aiff file to desktop 
>>off the original CD is:
>>The finder cannot complete the operation because some data in Track 
>>4.aiff could not be read or written. Error code -36
>>Yet, track 1 and 2 can be copy/pasted.  On this CD there are 5 
>>tracks.  Track 3, 4, & 5 cannot be pasted.  That would lead one to 
>>think it's the recorder, BUT....the PC CD-player can play it, the 
>>recorder is also a player and it can play it.  But the MAC can't 
>>altho it used to could!
>Could be that the Mac's drive is more sensitive; or, it could be 
>that there's a problem with the Mac's drive...

I have no problem with other CDs in my mac...original or copied. 
Everything plays fine.  Why would it suddenly be more sensitive than 
it was for the past year?
http://www.eddfarabee.com/    and        http://www.fpc-levelland.org

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