Nancy, Here's a solution. Go here: Doug has 406 Applescripts for iTunes posted. The first one in my scripts list (it's in my iTunes menu bar) says "Build CD Tray Insert". That script allows me to build one in Appleworks. I first open a CD Tray Insert template, from the Starting Points box in Appleworks. Then I click once on the playlist for which I want to build an insert, then I launch the script from the iTunes scripts menu. It pretty much does the rest itself. Once created, you can change the font and other properties, as you can in any other Appleworks drawing document. There may be other ways to do it, but that's the one I discovered first, so I've continued with it. Cheers, John > I want to know how to make the font bigger on Jewel Case inserts > for CD's when I print. I'm on 10.3.9 and using iTunes 6.05. Under > File there is "print". Jewel case insert. But how do you make the > font bigger???? > > Nancy Mac in Canada