[iTunes] applescripts for iTunes playlists

Terry Pogue tpogue at comcast.net
Fri Feb 17 10:59:57 PST 2006

I've never tried to write an applescript in my life nor do anything  
but put one in the scripts folder. I really would like to have this  
so I am going to try it. Guess first I have to find the application  
called applescript. :) See I told you I knew nothing about this.   
Stay tuned.

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On Feb 17, 2006, at 1:33 PM, Bill White wrote:

> Here’s a simplistic script, Terry. It asks you to choose a specific  
> playlist and then creates a new TextEdit window with the playlist’s  
> name and the names of all of its tracks. It would be easy enough to  
> tweak it to include artists, etc, if you want that info, too. It  
> would also be easy enough to assemble a large text file containing  
> all playlists and their corresponding tracks.
> HTH,
> Bill
> -----------------------
> tell application "iTunes"
>     set myPlaylists to name of every playlist
>     set thisPlaylist to item 1 of (choose from list myPlaylists  
> without empty selection allowed and multiple selections allowed)
>     set trackNames to name of every track of playlist thisPlaylist
> end tell
> set playlistText to thisPlaylist & return & "--------"
> repeat with i from 1 to count trackNames
>     set playlistText to playlistText & return & item i of trackNames
> end repeat
> tell application "TextEdit" to make new document with properties  
> {text:playlistText}
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