[iTunes] 2 ipods, 1 library

Becca Price becca_price at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 10 15:34:38 PST 2006

I have an iPod mini, and my daughter has an iPod Shuffle+hp. I
use my mini to listen to audio books: she uses her Shuffle to
listen to music. we're running Windows XP.

I've got a couple of questions.

1) can I disconnect the iPod Shuffle from the USB port where
it's charging simply by disconnecting it, or do I have to do a
software disconnect first, like I do with my mini?

2) Even though I've got her music separated from my books by
assigning it all to the genre "Tori's music", it's all jumbled
up in one library. Is there some way we can have 2 separate

3) when I start up iTunes (which I *loathe* with a passion) and
her Shuffle is connected for charging, I get a warning saying
that her iPod is connected to another library and do I want to
switch it to this library and update all the files? I say no,
and then iTunes is up but I can't see her iPod as being
connected in order to do the software disconnect. This is
confusing me terribly, because all her music is quite clearly
visible in the iTunes library - and I don't want to say yes and
have my books automatically loaded on her shuffle (although I
thought I had the preferences set to not automatically load, so
I am really confused about why I'm getting this warning in the
first place.)

any help would be gratefully received!


"Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. The third is to be kind."

-Henry James

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