On Jun 29, 2006, at 6:24 PM, David DelMonte wrote: > Hi Kirk, thanks for the fast response. What is your opinion of > Apple Lossless? Ah, that's another story... If you think you can hear the difference between lossless and good-quality AAC files, I'd suggest you try a blind listening test. Try encoding a few tracks in lossless, then AAC at 128, 160, 192, 256 and 320 kbps. See if you can hear the difference, and with which files. For myself, I settled on 160 kbps AAC. I have a lot of classical music, and I can hear the difference (in some cases) between 160 and 128. Better than 160, even on very good speakers, doesn't make a difference to me. So, in the interest of space, I decided that I could settle for that quality. Lossless is fine if you're a fanatic and if you don't have much music (or if you have lots of iPods). :-) Kirk Author of: iPod & iTunes Garage http://www.mcelhearn.com/ipod.html - - - - - - Read my blog: Kirkville -- http://www.mcelhearn.com Musings, Opinion and Miscellanea, on Macs, iPods and more