[iTunes] Artwork shows in Cover Flow area but not in Artwork corner

Robert Ameeti robert at ameeti.net
Sat Apr 14 14:34:06 PDT 2007

At 7:45 PM -0700, 4/13/07, Robert Ameeti wrote:

And the answers are:

The Cover Flow displays the Album art as opposed to the Song art 
which shows in the lower corner.

So if another song in your library has artwork already assigned to it 
prior to the existence of a later added song, the new song will have 
Cover Flow display but the new song will not automatically have the 
artwork in the lower corner.

And then again, if a song is in a format that will not accept artwork 
(ie. a .wav file) then it will never show the art in the lower left 
corner but it can show the Album art in the Cover Flow area.

Answering my own questions happens all too often. :-)

Robert Ameeti

When men are pure, laws are useless; when men are corrupt, laws are broken.
            -- Benjamin Disraeli

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