[iTunes] Querying Gracenote CDDB

Jamie Kahn Genet jamiekg at wizardling.geek.nz
Fri Dec 21 11:40:43 PST 2007

I wouldn't put up with this. Having to manually enter album and track
info? Not a chance! That's a MASSIVE waste of time. Something is badly
broken about your Sat. connection if it's blocking this traffic. Don't
just accept this situation :-)

And like I said - get an iTMS account and get free album art :-)

 Jamie Kahn Genet

On 22/12/2007, Becca Price <becca_price at yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- Jeff Carruthers <jeff at carruthers.com> wrote:
> > Becca: our satellite provider does the same thing -- they call
> > it
> > their fair use policy, but what it means to me is that they
> > have too
> > many subscribers and they can't keep up with the demand during
> > busy
> > times. Ironically, they're giving their subscribers a strong
> > reason
> > to go somewhere else, once an alternative is available. Not a
> > good
> > business model, in my view.
> we live way out in the country, so we really have no
> alternative. *sigh* I have dreams of winning the lottery and
> getting a T-1 line in...
> I'll try your idea of downloading the podcasts at night, but
> isn't it a matter of how much the download slug is as opposed to
> when you do it?
> My dh downloads my audible books onto a memory stick at his
> office, and then we transfer them over to my computer - it's the
> only way I can get them without tying us up to dial up speeds
> for days afterwards.
> -becca
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