[iTunes] Querying Gracenote CDDB

Jeff Carruthers jeff at carruthers.com
Fri Dec 21 14:16:08 PST 2007

On Dec 21, 2007, at 4:56 PM, Becca Price wrote:

> --- Jamie Kahn Genet <jamiekg at wizardling.geek.nz> wrote:
>> And like I said - get an iTMS account and get free album art
>> :-)
> what is iTMS, and will it help with album art for cds I already
> own? I'm not interested in paying for an album twice just to get
> the art.
> -becca

ITMS is the iTunes Music Store.

In iTunes, under the Advanced menu, there's the option to grab Album  
cover art for your music library. Should work for CDs you have ripped  
yourself, as well as music you purchase from the iTunes Music Store.  
The album cover art is used when you display your music in Cover Flow.

If you have a large music collection, it will take some time to grab  
the album art. You could do it incrementally, a few albums at a time.  
In some cases, the iTunes Music Store will not have the cover art.

J-K Carruthers Limited          Tel: 613-278-0390
678 2nd Concessions N Sherbrooke, RR1   Fax: 613-278-2929
McDonalds Corners, ON K0G 1M0      cell: 613-720-2350
www.carruthers.com                          e-mail: jeff at carruthers.com
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