[iTunes] repeat on the iPod Touch found

Terry Pogue tpogue at comcast.net
Sun Oct 28 14:18:39 PDT 2007

I finally found it. It's been driving me nuts. I'd finish a disk and  
it would repeat and not move on to the second disk. I found the  
control for it in the manual.

Once you get the scrubber bar to appear by clicking on the album  
cover you want the repeat symbol which is on the left of the bar to  
NOT be blue, just a little touch and it goes gray and is off. The  
shuffle icon is on the right.
That fixed it.

 From the manual:

Displaying playback controls at any time

You can display playback controls at any time when you’re listening  
to music and using
another application—or even when iPod touch is locked—by double- 
clicking the
Home  button. If iPod touch is active, the playback controls appear  
over the application you’re using. After using the controls, you can  
close them or tap Music to
go to the Now Playing screen. If iPod touch is locked, the controls  
appear onscreen,
then are dismissed automatically after you finish using them.

Additional Controls
 From the Now Playing screen tap the album cover.
The repeat and shuffle controls and the scrubber bar appear.

You can see time elapsed,
time remaining, and the song number.
Return to the browse lists Tap . Or swipe to the right over the album  
Return to the Now Playing screen Tap Now Playing.
See the tracks in your collection
from the current album
Tap . Tap any track to play it.

A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in napoleons  

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