[iTunes] podcast question

Becca becca_price at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 21 12:48:22 PDT 2008

Ken, I've tried a couple of times. 4/13 came in just fine, but
every time I try to download 4/20, I only get the first 18
minutes of it. If the internet dropped out for a minute and
interrupted the download, wouldn't it corrupt the whole file and
none of it would be playable?

since it loads just fine for you, I'm going to simply have to
assume that it's one of the oddities of my system. 

gremlins. It's just gotta be gremlins.


--- Ken Stevens <kestevens at mac.com> wrote:

> Becca:
> I just downloaded the last two episodes (April 13 and 20) and
> both came
> through fine, one at 45:05 and the other at 48:42.  Your
> internet  
> connection
> may have dropped offline for a second or two.  Try again, I
> think you  
> will get
> them this time.

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