[iTunes] podcasts cannot be synced to Shuffles

Michael Prete michaelprete at cox.net
Thu Aug 28 23:48:04 PDT 2008

On Aug 28, 2008, at 3:31 PM, list boy wrote:

> Just following up on a question I posted a few ago
> Was having inability getting a new Shuffle to sync podcasts w/ iTunes
> Found this bad news:
> http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1831
> Podcasts can't be synced to Shuffles.
> I'm guess I'm curious as to why that would be a necessary limitation.
> Seems arbitrary.

Am I just hallucinating? When I read this article you provided, the  
summary stated:


		iPod shuffle can play audio books and podcasts just like other iPods.

Perhaps instead of "syncing" you mean the Autofill feature doesn't  
work? Although true, the workaround is provided:

		The Autofill feature of iTunes will not add audiobooks and podcasts  
to iPod shuffle. Instead, you should
		manually add audiobooks and podcasts to iPod shuffle by dragging  
them to the iPod shuffle playlist.

Once you have established a *Smart Playlist*, that playlist will  
automatically update itself as the podcasts are downloaded  
automatically. And when you connect your shuffle, it *will* sync with  
iTunes and supply all the chosen podcasts.

Michael Prete

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