[iTunes] applescripts /Was iPod woes, now it's iTunes woes

Terry Pogue tpogue at comcast.net
Sat Feb 9 08:34:45 PST 2008

On Feb 9, 2008, at 10:17 AM, Ken Stevens wrote:

> On my system the "Make Bookmarkable" script copies each file and  
> replaces m4a suffix with m4b.  It then reimports them into iTunes  
> and puts
> the original m4a files in the trash.  The books then show up under  
> the Audio Books section.

Ken, When As I said it worked the first couple of times I used it. But  
when I decided I do it again on some recent ripped CDs it didn't. Not  
only did it not work but the imported CDs have disappeared They are  
not in Music or in Audiobooks.

I checked Preferences>Advanced>Import and I have it set to AAC. Should  
that be changed? I'm just trying to get my books out of Music into  
Audiobooks. I have very very little music.


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