[iTunes] Manually entering data

Kirk McElhearn kirkmc at mac.com
Mon Mar 15 01:48:48 PDT 2010

On Mar 15, 2010, at 2:28 AM, RICHARD NORTHOUSE wrote:

>> Hi guys/gals,
> I have a question somewhat related to Scott's.  I have some CD's that I got from a friend. When I read the CD in with iTunes, it (itunes) records each tune as a separate album. Because I really want some of this music, I don't mind entering the song title, artist, etc. manually. However how do I group the separate songs back into one album??

Make sure each track has the same album name and artist name.
> Second question is if iTunes can't find the album cover photo, what are my options?



Kirkville -- http://www.mcelhearn.com
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