[CUBE] HD Lockup

Arturo Pérez arturo at ethicist.net
Mon Dec 2 18:20:06 PST 2002

On Monday, December 2, 2002, at 07:54  PM, ACS wrote:
> So I think the other part of your explanation, the I/O problem, is 
> more on the mark. It would be a drag, however, to place my entire 
> system on an external FW HD. Wouldn't that alone slow things down? 
> Maybe Apple will figure this one out for the next update.
When I converted to Jaguar I used a Deskstar in an OWC case for a few 
weeks.  I didn't think it was that slow.  I considered putting all my 
drives external to the Cube to combat heat since the performance seemed 
fine.  I imagine a sweet little FW RAID setup built for speed would be 
fine.  Then again a 15000RPM drive that's too hot for the Cube may be 
just the ticket externally.

But the speedup in putting the same drive into the Cube was noticeable. 
  You may want to move your work to an external FW drive.  It all 
depends on what you expect to do the most I/O:  Jaguar or your work.

Good luck.

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