Riba, I haven't tried this myself but there was an article in MacHome, July 02 on remote file access. OSX is the easiest by far according to the article. Log into your Mac with admin privileges. System Preferences/Users and set it up for everyone who needs to access the machine. Close that then go to Sharing in Sys Pref., jot down the IP address (that's what the article says) click on the start button which begins web sharing. Then on the remote computer establish the internet connection, launch browser, enter the IP address for example for OS X. That will bring up either the HTML home page or a listing of Sharefolder. The limitation is one folder at a time. The OS 9 set up is similar but the requirements listed include a broadband connection so I didn't go into it. Like I mentioned, haven't done this myself but I did lend the magazine to a friend who seemed to have no problems though again he was broadband at both ends. Hope that helps. Regards Frank