[CUBE] Dead Cube saga continues...

Bill Fox wfoxjr at earthlink.net
Sun Dec 22 04:56:47 PST 2002

One guess. When I got my new Seagate Barracuda drive the jumper was set 
for Cable Select and my Cube did about what yours does. I moved the 
jumper to Master and it started up fine.

On Sunday, December 22, 2002, at 05:35 AM, Joel Pelletier wrote:

> Here's the latest on the Cube that I burned up trying to tap into the 
> 5v supply for a fan:
> The DC/DC board had obvious burn damage, as did (2) 512MB RAM Dimms. 
> After replacing those I was still getting nowhere; an authorized 
> service center suggested the motherboard was bad, but could not go any 
> further because the supervisor informed the tech that they did not 
> repair Cubes - must send to Apple.
> I purchased a new motherboard and chassis for $224 from DealExpress, 
> received today and swapped out everything. I reassembled, installing a 
> new (blank) Seagate Barracuda V 120GB in the process. I now get the 
> power to stay on, and I hear the video card fan going, but no CHIMES, 
> and the CD drive (with an OS 10.2 install CD) fires up for a moment, 
> then stops.
> Nothing else happens, and I am at my wits end. At this point I have 
> spent $180 for a DC/DC card (with trade, from Small Dog), $240 
> w/shipping for the motherboard, still have to replace a Gig of RAM, 
> and I am not back up and running. I MISS MY CUBE w/CINEMA SCREEN 
> RUNNING, and there is little left to replace on this thing except for 
> the processor/daughtercard. Any suggestions and/or anyone qualified 
> enough to look at this thing without spending much more?

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