[CUBE] Offering email addresses to spammers as a policy

Gnarlodious gnarlodious at cybermesa.com
Mon Apr 21 17:04:30 PDT 2003

Entity Laurie A Duncan spoke thus:

> No
> one else has reported their address being harvested for spam, so I'd suggest
> the spam at apple.com you are seeing is coming from elsewhere - including your
> own website, which has your email address all over it, and it's not encoded
> in the text - only in the code, which is rather useless
Besides the phenomenon of every instance of the word "spam" in your email
reading as "spam at apple.com", this statement doesn't make any sense to me at
My address on all my sites has always been encoded in ASCII and has always
been secure, although I'm a little mystified why search engines now return
the ASCII as text. I wonder if search spiders now go to the extra work of
decoding ASCII and index the result as text?

> If you want to protect your own site from being
> harvested for addresses in the future, your link text should NOT be
> name at domain.com - but instead be "contact me here"
It doesn¹t actually say name at domain.com but rather ASCII:

And all other instances of my email address on the web are encoded as ASCII,
except of course for the Cube Archive pages. Which is why other listees can
expect more and more spam.

Hope that makes sense . . .

-- Rachel 
AIM Gnarlodious

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