[CUBE] AW: [CUBE] Managing Power with DVIator

Daniel Love danlove at verizon.net
Wed Apr 23 16:26:05 PDT 2003

I own one for my 15" Apple ADC also but I sold my G3
and now the DVIator and the 15" are orphans.

I look at it as a spare power supply for the Cube, so another use would 
be nice.


On Wednesday, April 23, 2003, at 06:35  PM, Boris Jotic wrote:

> Interesting idea...I own one for my 15" Apple ADC on my PC ;)
> You would first need an ADC to DVI adapter, which shouldn't be that
> expensive from that on - no prob ;) Should work and draw some power 
> away
> from the Cube (or if u have a DVI display even better)
> Boris

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