[CUBE] Re-review of MCE superdrive

J.C. Webber III jcw at kingoblio.com
Fri Apr 25 06:37:58 PDT 2003

Rob In der Maur wrote:
> Hi J.C.
> So, let me get this straight: you are burning 4x DVD's in the MCE 
> Superdrive (which can only burn at max 1x) and that seems to give you 
> better compatibility with your home player? Interesting, as I've had no 
> luck sofar in using any of the DVD's I burnt with my MCE Superdrive in 
> my home DVD player (Verbatim, Nashua, Apple (2x)). Possibly related to 
> my home DVD player. Anyway, I have a couple of other media to try but I 
> think I add the Apple 4x media in the equation...
> cheers,
> Rob

Yea, that's right.  I think it's because the 4X media has to pass more
stringent surface tests than the 2X media.  I used to work at Memorex
in their Floppy Media Test department and, after burnishing, the floppies
were sorted based upon the subsequent media surface quality tests.
I suspect they conduct similar tests on DVDs.

BTW, the media played in a Sony Playstation and a new Panasonic DVD,
but not my older RCA DVD player.

J.C. Webber III       
Technical Lead, Unix System Administrator
jcw at kingoblio.com (home) www.kingoblio.com

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