[CUBE] iTunes music store

Eagle eagle243 at mac.com
Mon Apr 28 19:35:03 PDT 2003

On Monday, Apr 28, 2003, at 18:39 US/Eastern, mentholiptus wrote:
> I see how this can really work...I've purchased 15 songs already 
> because they're only 1 click away...it's as if I've bought a CD 
> already, and it's only been 10 minutes. I'd better close the store 
> before I bury myself in debt ;)

You know what I wonder?  How is Apple gonna make money at this?  In 
$0.99 per song, they have to pay for:
- development of the system
- credit card transaction fees (possibly 35-40 cents)
- RIAA licensing fees
- who knows what else?

At a buck a song, how will they make money?  Either they're getting a 
killer break on the CC transaction fees, or they're getting incredibly 
low RIAA licensing fees.  I don't get it.  But I like it.  I will buy 
at a buck a song!  Being legit is certainly worth that to me.


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