[CUBE] iTunes 4

Eagle eagle243 at mac.com
Tue Apr 29 04:59:00 PDT 2003

On Tuesday, Apr 29, 2003, at 00:12 US/Eastern, J.C. Webber III wrote:
> Eagle wrote:
>> On Monday, Apr 28, 2003, at 16:03 US/Eastern, Darrin Smart wrote:
>>> On Monday, April 28, 2003, at 07:59  PM, Eagle wrote:
>>>> 99 cents sounds fine to me - perhaps now I can go get the two or
>>>> three songs from Yes that I liked, without having to pay $10 or more
>>>> for an entire album!
>>> Sorry everyone for taking this a bit off-topic, but does the music
>>> store actually work for anyone? Apart from the home page all I get 
>>> are
>>> 504 errors. I wonder if its because I'm behind a squid proxy (or
>>> because I'm in London).
>> I think the servers are just extremely busy now from everyone trying
>> out the new toy. :)  I'm sure it will settle down in a few days.
>> Eagle
> I read on their webpage that, for now, this is only available in
> the US.

I suggested it might be overloaded servers because I'm in the U.S. and 
was seeing 504s too.  Then I'd retry a few minutes later and it would 
work.  While I understand the point that the service is U.S. only, my 
guess is that the 504s are due to overloaded servers and not client 
location.  That said, this is all academic anyway - none of us can know 
for sure.


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