In a message dated 8/4/03 12:06:49 PM, jallan at writes: << Well " Off Topic " - but it the the silly season in media terms as everyone goes off on holiday and there is no new to publish. >> Off topic indeed. But... I spent ten years in Germany, and I got around to most of the Western European countries. I spoke German fluently then, and had many good friends there. I still correspond with some of them, even more than thirty years later. Don't be offended by American humor. Americans are the least likely people to regret the passing of the wall. Indeed, my German friends are ambivalent about it; glad to see it go, but reluctant in the knowledge that they'll have to pay to update the infrastructure of the former East Bloc. They also consider the East Germans lazy, too accustomed to the Communist regime and the lack of need to work hard. I expect it will take a full generation before the new immigrants to the west catch up, and for those who stay in the east, it may well take longer. Sorry to continue an off-topic theme, but I enjoy hearing from non-americans, and I thought the above needed saying. Jack