[CUBE] Airport antenna

Gnarlodious gnarlodious at mac.com
Thu Aug 14 05:51:44 PDT 2003

Entity David Lambourn spoke thus:

> which has a faulty termination to
> the antenna.  It has the hexagonal sleeve, but not the final connector.
> Suggestions, please, as to my options at this point!
For starters, the built-in antenna in the Cube is very ineffective because
of a tiny plastic plug in the steel case. All signal must pass through the
hole making for a weak signal.

The connector is for an "MCCard" which is what the Airport Card is. If you
go here:
http://www.hyperlinktech.com/web/frame_pigtail_nav.htm and select "MC Card"
and "Apple" you will get a list of "Pigtails", adapters to plug in an
external antenna to your Cube. The same site has a number of external
antennas here:

That's what I'd suggest.

-- Gnarlie •

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