[CUBE] Super & Combo drive options for Cubes?

Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Thu Aug 14 20:46:36 PDT 2003

It's not on the website. It's on the cover of the Sunday Newspaper 
Insert bottom left corner. You get it at the store in a CenDyne Box 
DVD-RW 4x. Says Model DVR-105 on the back specification list. It's $210 
at the register (plus sales tax) with two $30 mail in rebates.

kunga10 (AIM)
kunga47 (Yahoo Messenger with Cross-Platform dial-up Video sans audio 
on Macs)

On Thursday, August 14, 2003, at 04:56  PM, Erik Gilchrist wrote:

>> Subject: Re: [CUBE] Super & Combo drive options for Cubes?
>> From: Kunga <Kunga at FutureMedia.org>
>> Just a brief note to remind all the new readers that it is trivial to
>> get the Optical or whatever else you want to hook up IDE cable OUTSIDE
>> the Cube and hook up a DVR-105 that you can get at OfficeMax for $150
>> this week.
> Do you have a URL for that? I am East Coast and checking the site, I 
> find no offers or the DVR-105 in that price range. I can go and get 
> one and hopefully the local store will have one but if you have a part 
> number or a link that would be great.
> Not looking for cube specific. It will go in my Dual 867. thx.  On 
> DIGEST here... Buying Friday.

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