[CUBE] ACC Files-iTunes Store (OT)

Rod Clifford rod at eslickdesign.com
Thu Dec 11 08:43:49 PST 2003

Really? Apple has not opened the iTunes store yet?
Geez, the US windoze people are more impotant I suppose.
To clarify Apple products in Europe:
Can you access mac.com? Also, the Apple store? Suppose shipping would 
be the killer on
purchasing products & shipping to Europe though.
Sorry to be straying off like this but, it's interesting to know.   Rod

On Thursday, December 11, 2003, at 09:56  AM, Luis Meleiro wrote:

> First of all, thanks for clearing this up to all of us in the list. I 
> live in Europe and I really never got a chance to buy music from the 
> iTunes Music Store as it is still not (unfortunately) implemented by 
> Apple Computer in here.

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